Friday, September 7, 2012

BOO Whoo to You

I was going to save this card until next weeks Great Pumpkin Blog Hop on Terry Blais' blog, but every time I look at it I chuckle so I am going to share it early.

 Do you recognize the ghosts? They are cut with the corn on the cob in the framlits Cannery Set.

I think the card tree from convention makes a nice backdrop for this card.

Thanks for looking and I hope it brings a chuckle to you too.


  1. That is really cute! I love the little ghosts the corn on the cob makes. What a great idea. I hope you add it to The Great Pumpkin Blog Hop now! It's great.



  2. Nice! It just goes to show you don't have to own Halloween stamps to make a Halloween card. Very clever!

  3. Awesome! I love when you girls show me different ways to use our tools! I'm definetly going to be "stealing" this idea with your cute ghosts.
    hugs, kim

  4. I love how you used the corn on the cob framelit! I've seen ghosts done using the owl punch, but never this. So creative!
